Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes January 21, 2015
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes January 21, 2015
Rap Session 3:30 PM: Provost Henderson provided updates on budget issues and increasing student enrollment, and addressed other questions from the faculty.
Senate Meeting called to order at 4:00 PM
Executive Officer report:
Prof. McDonald stated the university tobacco policy has been in place for six months so now would be a good time to submit any recommendations regarding the policy. He stated that the UL policy goes farther than required by state regulations. Next he reported that Robert McKinney had given him requested changes to the Faculty Handbook to update the Performance Evaluation and Merit Pay section to match the new evaluation system. Dr. McDonald also reported that he discussed parking committee issues with the provost and the parking director.
Next Prof. McDonald reported on the governance task force which has been set up by the strategic planning committee. The task force is aiming to make recommendations in March. As an example of a possible alternate governance structure he showed a chart of the structure at the University of Kansas and stated that the governance task force requests suggestions or input from faculty regarding possible restructuring at UL. In addition, he suggested that perhaps the senate should consider its own governance structure and possible changes as the senate takes on a more active role in university governance. Lastly, he reminded senators that there is a survey for senators regarding strategic planning and asked senators to please respond to the survey as well as encouraging colleagues to respond to the general campus survey.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded that the minutes of the Nov. 19 2014 meeting be approved. The motion passed.
Reports of Senate Committees:
Committee on Committees: no report
Ways and Means: no report
Academic Planning and Development: no report
Governmental Concerns: Dr. Slater reported that the committee met and discussed possible budget cuts. The committee will bring a draft resolution regarding budget cuts to the February meeting. Dr. Slater requested suggestions for the resolution. He stated that the legislative session will start on April 13 this year.
Faculty Advisory Council Representative: no report
Ad Hoc Committee on Status of Underrepresented Faculty Groups: no report
Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of Women: the committee reported progress on getting the data it has requested. Dr. JoAnne DeRouen is the new chair of the committee.
Ad Hoc Committee on CACS relocation: Written report submitted. The chair of the committee, Senator Barry Ancelet, reported on the work of the committee and responded to questions about the committee’s report. A question was asked about the number of faculty members that were displaced in the move. Dr. Ancelet responded that the issue was primarily about the use of space. CACS had been using the space in Oliver Hall exactly as had been intended when the building was constructed, although the use might not have been apparent to those outside of CACS. He reported that a university task force is now in place to consider space use in all of Oliver Hall. A discussion among senators followed, regarding what should happen next. Dr. Ancelet stated that at the beginning of the committee’s inquiry the situation was at an impasse. CACS has had no representative at department head meetings in the college of sciences recently, which is hurting both CACS and the university.
Prof. McDonald stated that there are two issues before the faculty senate: how to resolve the current situation and how to change the process so that this sort of problem does not arise in the future.
Faculty members from CACS spoke to the senate explaining the reasons for their responses. A discussion among senators about how to bring everyone to the table followed. Senator Wooddell reported on AAUP policy. A question was raised as to whether YouTube videos and such which have been posted by supporters of CACS were an appropriate response. It was pointed out that the CACS space issue is not an isolated case. Library personnel were not consulted about changes in use of library space such as the opening of a café in the library.
Provost Henderson commended the committee for their report. He stated that in retrospect all sides could have done things better. He then spoke about the task force he appointed. Three architects are included on the task force. The task force will make a recommendation on meeting the space needs of all current occupants of Oliver Hall, including the Dean of Sciences, by April.
Dr. Ancelet suggested that the faculty senate may want to request a senate representative on the task force. A question was raised about the long range university master plan. In the long term some whole colleges may be relocating. Another senator emphasized the importance of the task force keeping good minutes of their meetings as well as maintaining good communication with all involved. It was also pointed out in discussion that CACS is not the only program in Oliver Hall and that Computer Science and Informatics also need to be part of the decision making process.
Prof. McDonald summarized the discussion stating that no motion regarding the issue has been presented and asked, does the senate want to consider the matter a bit more?
G.H. Massiha made a motion that the faculty senate accept the recommendations of the ad hoc committee. Ray Jindal seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
A motion was then made by Natalia Sidorovskaia that the senate recommend to Dr. Henderson that CACS have a voting representative on the task force on Oliver Hall space allocation and urge CACS to accept appointment to the task force. The motion was seconded by George Wooddell. Dr. Magdy Bayoumi stated that one representative from CACS on the task force is not sufficient representation. Dr. Henderson stated that his intent was to have representation from all parties. A friendly amendment to the motion was put forward and accepted to make the recommendation for 2 representatives from CACS on the task force. The motion to recommend having 2 CACS voting representatives on the task force and urging CACS to accept participation passed.
Meeting adjourned at 5:33 pm.
Kathleen Knierim