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Constitition of the Faculty Senate of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette


    • Section 1. Faculty Units
    • Section 2. Members
    • Section 3. Election of Members
    • Section 4. Vacancies
    • Section 1. President of the Faculty Senate
    • Section 2. Vice President of the Faculty Senate
    • Section 3. Secretary of the Faculty Senate
    • Section 4. Election of Officers
    • Section 5. Vacancies
    • Section 1. Committees
    • Section 2. Committee on Committees
    • Section 3. Ways and Means Committee
    • Section 4. Academic Planning and Development Committee
    • Section 5. Governmental Concerns Committee
    • Section 6. Faculty Senate-Executive Committee
    • Section 7. Faculty Senate-Faculty Advisory Council Committee
    • Section 1. Senate Interest
    • Section 2. Committees Slated by the Senate
      • Curriculum Committee
      • Faculty Grievance Committee
      • Faculty Benefits and Welfare Committee
      • Library Committee
      • Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards
      • Student Evaluation of Instruction
    • Section 3. Committees that Report to Senate
      • Campus Planning
      • General Education Committee
      • Distance Learning Leadership Council
      • Strategic Program Review Committee
    • Section 1. Regular Meetings
    • Section 2. Special Meetings
    • Section 3. Quorum
    • Section 4. Order of Business
    • Section 5. Parliamentary Authority
    • Section 6. Voting
    • Section 7. Visitors
    • Section 1. Special Actions
    • Section 2. Amendments of this Constitution
    • Section 3. Amendments of the Faculty Handbook
    • Section 4. Proposals for University Policy Change

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The name of this body shall be the Faculty Senate of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. As the only authorized, representative body of the faculty under the administration of the University of Louisiana Lafayette, this Faculty Senate is constituted to promote and implement, consistent with the purposes of the University, maximum participation of the faculty in university governance. In this capacity, the Faculty Senate will assist the administration in such matters of particular faculty concern as academic standards, student affairs, faculty welfare, selection of university-wide administrators, and membership of specified university committees. The Faculty Senate will advise the administration in the formulation and execution of policy with respect to the broadly defined goals, priorities, and financial needs of the University. The Faculty Senate will also communicate faculty interests to the public and public officials as deemed appropriate in furthering the purpose of the organization.

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Section 1. Faculty Units

For the purposes of the Faculty Senate, the faculty units of the University are taken to be the College of Arts, the B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration, the College of Education, the College of Engineering, the College of Liberal Arts, the Edith Garland Dupre Library, the College of Nursing and Allied Health Professions, and the Ray P. Authement College of Sciences.

Section 2. Members

The Faculty Senate shall be constituted as follows:

  • Permanent Members
    • All faculty members with the rank of full professor not serving in an administrative capacity above the level of Department Chair or equivalent shall be permanent members. Appointment or promotion to the rank of full professor confers permanent membership in the Faculty Senate. Permanent members shall be polled prior to the first meeting of each academic year to determine if they wish to be active members (one who states the intention to attend at least one-half of the regularly scheduled Senate meetings) during the year.
  • Elective Members
    1. Elective members of the Faculty Senate must be associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, or adjunct faculty of the general faculty not serving in an administrative capacity above the level of Department Chair or equivalent who have completed no less than one academic year of full-time employment at the University at the time of taking office. No candidate for a degree at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette shall be a member of the Faculty Senate. Elective senate terms begin the first day of the fall semester after an election occurs and ends the last day of spring semester of the final year of a senator’s term.
    2. Associate professors shall be elected in the proportion of one member per four associate professors or fraction thereof in each faculty unit of the University. Associate professor Senate members shall be elected for three-year terms.
    3. Assistant professors shall be elected in the proportion of one member per four assistant professors or fraction thereof in each faculty unit of the University. Such members shall be elected for two-year terms.
    4. One instructor shall be elected from each faculty unit of the University. Such members shall be elected for one-year terms.
    5. One adjunct faculty member shall be elected from each faculty unit of the University to serve a one-year term. Such members shall be elected for one-year terms.

Section 3. Election of Members

  1. Elections shall be held in the spring semester prior to the fall semester of the next academic year. In an election to select Senate members, the following persons shall be eligible to vote from the faculty of their respective faculty units:
    1. Full-time associate professors, who shall select representatives of the associate professor rank.
    2. Full-time assistant professors, who shall select representatives of the assistant professor rank.
    3. Instructors, who shall select representatives of the instructor ranks.
    4. Adjunct faculty, who shall select representatives of the adjunct faculty ranks.
  2. Prior to the elections each faculty member eligible for elective membership shall be polled to determine if they are willing to serve in the Senate as an active member (one who states the intention of attending at least one-half of the regularly scheduled Senate meetings). Only the names of those who indicate such willingness shall appear on the election ballot.
  3. The Senate Secretary shall request a census of faculty by unit and rank from the appropriate administrative office by February 1. Using that census, the Secretary will calculate and notify each faculty unit by March 1 of the number of vacancies to be filled by election. The Senate Secretary will also send a university announcement to all faculty indicating the number of vacancies to be filled by election. Each faculty unit shall fill its vacancies through election by secret ballot. Four types of ballots are required — one for associate professors, one for assistant professors, one for instructors, and one for adjunct faculty.
  4. If senators that are elected in the spring depart by fall – or are promoted to a different rank and thus are ineligible to hold a certain senate seat – those seats will become vacant. If this occurs, an ad hoc election will be held to fill those vacant positions. Senators elected in the ad hoc election shall take office at the first meeting following their election.
  5. All academic departments shall have the right to ask for Senate representation. Following the annual Senate elections, departments without either elective representation or active participation by a full professor from the department may petition the President of the Faculty Senate for representation. If a department is not represented, the President of the Faculty Senate shall have the authority to appoint a representative from the eligible elective ranks of the department making the petition. The term of appointment shall be for one (1) year. In no case shall the President of the Faculty Senate appoint more than one such representative per department. These appointments shall supersede the representation formula in Article II. The appointments shall conform to the membership eligibility requirements as set forth in Article II.
  6. The Secretary of the Faculty Senate, with the aid of the deans of the faculty units, shall be responsible for ascertaining that the representation called for in this article is maintained.
  7. Election irregularities or challenges within a faculty unit shall be referred to the Faculty Senate for arbitration. Election irregularities or challenges for President of the Faculty Senate, Vice President of the Faculty Senate, Substitute for Previous Senate President (when necessary), or Secretary of the Faculty Senate shall be referred to the full Senate.

Section 4. Vacancies

The President of the Faculty Senate shall fill the unexpired term of an elective Senator by appointment of a faculty member of the faculty unit in which the vacancy occurs.

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Section 1. President of the Faculty Senate

The President of the Faculty Senate shall be a tenured member of the faculty at the time of nomination for the office. The President of the Faculty Senate or an appointed representative shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty Senate. Between meetings of the Senate, the President of the Faculty Senate shall serve the Senate as its chief administrative officer. The President of the Faculty Senate or an appointed representative shall enter into whatever negotiations or take whatever action is possible to implement the resolutions of the Senate and shall report the outcome of these activities to the Senate. The President of the Faculty Senate or a senator designated by the President of the Faculty Senate will serve as official representative of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Faculty Senate to the Association of Louisiana Faculty Senates. The President of the Faculty Senate shall appoint a Senate Webmaster whose selection shall be approved by the Senate Executive Committee.

Section 2. Vice President of the Faculty Senate

The Vice President of the Faculty Senate shall be a tenured member of the faculty at the time of nomination for the office. The President may delegate to the Vice President to formalize the Vice President’s role as Senate representative to the University Council and other duties as the President may prescribe. The Vice President shall preside at the meetings of the Senate in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall maintain financial records pertaining to the Faculty Senate.

Section 3. Secretary of the Faculty Senate

The Secretary of the Faculty Senate shall keep all records, reports, and minutes of the meetings. One week prior to each meeting, the Secretary shall distribute to each member the minutes of the previous meeting and the new agenda. The Secretary shall also distribute the minutes of each meeting to each Department Head, and, upon written request, to any other faculty members or officer of the administration and ensure that the minutes are on the Faculty Senate Website. The Secretary will keep the constitution and update it as directed by the Senate.

Section 4. Election of Officers

  1. The President of the Faculty Senate shall be elected for a two-year term by the entire membership of the Faculty Senate from among members who hold an academic rank above that of assistant professor. If the elected President of the Faculty Senate's term in the Senate should expire during the President of the Faculty Senate's term of office, membership in the Senate shall be extended to coincide with the term of office without abrogating the right of the President of the Faculty Senate's faculty unit to reelect the President of the Faculty Senate to Senate membership or to elect a replacement.
  2. The Vice President of the Faculty Senate shall be elected for a two-year term by the entire membership of the Faculty Senate from among members who hold an academic rank above that of assistant professor. If the elected Vice President of the Faculty Senate's term in the Senate should expire during the Vice President of the Faculty Senate's term of office, membership in the Senate shall be extended to coincide with the term of office without abrogating the right of the Vice President of the Faculty Senate's faculty unit to reelect the Vice President of the Faculty Senate to Senate membership or to elect a replacement.
  3. The Secretary of the Faculty Senate shall be elected for a two-year term by the entire membership of the Senate. If the Secretary's membership in the Senate should expire during the Secretary's term of office, membership in the Senate shall be extended to coincide with the term of office without abrogating the right of the Secretary's faculty unit to reelect the Secretary to Senate membership or to elect a replacement.
  4. The Immediate Past President of the Faculty Senate shall sit as the fourth member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. (See Article IV, Section 6.) Their term mirrors that of the elected senate president. Should the immediate past President of the Faculty Senate not be available, the final committee member shall be chosen by a majority vote of the Senate.
  5. At the January meeting of the Senate in each odd-numbered year, a nominating committee of five members shall be elected. It shall be the duty of this committee to prepare a slate of at least two candidates from different faculty units for the position of President of the Faculty Senate, at least two candidates from different faculty units for the position of Vice President of the Faculty Senate, and at least two candidates from different faculty units for the position of Secretary of the Faculty Senate. The slate shall be presented to the Senate at the March meeting after other nominations have been called for from the floor. The vote shall be taken at the April meeting, and, after other nominations have been called for from the floor, by secret ballot. The Nominating Committee shall prepare the slate of candidates for the March meeting and ballots at the April meeting. The newly elected officers shall assume their duties immediately after the adjournment of the April meeting.

Section 5. Vacancies

  1. When there is an unexpected vacancy in the term of a senate officer, the Special Election Committee (SEC) will be formed to oversee filling of the vacancy.
  2. The SEC shall be composed of the chairpersons of the permanent Senate committees and directed by the chairperson of the Committee on Committees. Where chairs are not present or are unavailable, another member of that committee will be appointed by the SEC Director.
  3. Upon notification of a vacancy in the office of President, Vice President, Secretary, or Immediate Past President position, the SEC will solicit all interested and eligible senators to consider running for the position. Eligibility will be based on the senate constitution.
  4. The SEC will oversee the process and vet applicants to ensure that they meet all requirements and that they have agreed to run if they were not self-nominated. The SEC also has a secondary goal of ensuring that at least two of the applicants are from different colleges.
  5. At least one week prior to a regular senate meeting, the SEC will make available a vetted slate to the senate electronically.
  6. At the regular senate meeting referred to in the previous point, the slate will officially be presented to the senate -- and final nominations will be accepted from the floor.
  7. During the same meeting an election will be held to fill the vacancy. The new officer will hold office until the end of the original officer’s term.

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Section 1. Committees

  1. The following shall be the permanent committees of the Senate: the Committee on Committees, the Ways and Means Committee, the Academic Planning and Development Committee, the Governmental Concerns Committee, the Faculty Senate-Faculty Advisory Council Committee, and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
  2. Ad hoc committees are temporary committees to serve the Senate in matters of a special nature or in any other way desired by the Senate for information or action. Such committees and their chairpersons shall be appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate to ensure representation from each faculty unit where appropriate. These ad hoc committees shall be dissolved immediately upon completion of their charge.

Section 2. Committee on Committees

  1. In the event of a vacancy on a permanent Senate committee, the Committee on Committees shall present to the Senators of the unrepresented faculty unit at least two candidates from the respective unit for election to the committee. The Committee on Committees shall prepare slates of nominees for membership on certain University committees as specified in Article V of this constitution and for membership on other University committees as requested by the President of the University.
  2. The Committee on Committees shall consist of one permanent member of the Senate from each faculty unit and three additional members from the elective members of the Senate. Permanent members shall be elected by the permanent members of the respective faculty units and shall serve three-year staggered terms. Elective members shall be elected by the elective members of the Senate and shall serve one-year terms. No member of the Committee on Committees may serve on another permanent committee of the Senate.
  3. The chairperson shall be elected by the Committee from among those permanent members who have served on the committee at least one year.

Section 3. Ways and Means Committee

  1. The Ways and Means Committee of the Senate shall serve the Senate as liaison committee to University committees. Its function is that of mediator in differences of opinion in policy between the Senate and the University committees. It shall present to the Senate recommendations for solutions of policy differences. Twice each year (at the January and April meetings) the committee shall report to the Senate on the status of University actions in response to resolutions passed by the Senate during the previous half year or, when appropriate, during the previous year. The committee shall also be assigned those tasks which the President of the Faculty Senate deems advisable.
  2. The committee shall consist of one Senate member from each faculty unit. Members shall be elected by the Senators from the respective unit. Subject to continued Senate membership, members shall serve staggered three-year terms.
  3. The chairperson shall be elected by committee members from among those members who have served on the committee for at least one year.

Section 4. Academic Planning and Development Committee

  1. The Academic Planning and Development Committee shall present to the Senate for recommendation to the President of the University plans for the development of the academic stature, the areas of emphasis, and the direction of the University. These plans should include immediate goals as well as long-range goals.
  2. The committee shall consist of one member from each faculty unit. Members shall be elected by the Senators from the respective unit. Subject to continued Senate membership, members shall serve staggered three-year terms.
  3. The chairperson shall be elected by the committee from among those members who have served on the committee for at least one year.

Section 5. Governmental Concerns Committee

  1. The Governmental Concerns Committee shall call to the attention of the Senate issues pending before governmental bodies which affect higher education and shall furnish the Senate with information necessary to understanding such issues.
  2. The committee shall consist of one member from each faculty unit. Members shall be elected by the Senators from the respective unit. Subject to continued Senate membership, members shall serve staggered three-year terms.
  3. The chairperson shall be elected by the committee from among those members who have served on the committee for at least one year.

Section 6. Faculty Senate-Executive Committee

  1. The Faculty Senate-Executive Committee shall meet to plan upcoming meetings. Such meetings will not determine University policy nor shall they undermine the regular processes through which the faculty has input into University affairs. The meetings shall be designed to complement the input through existing channels and to provide an exchange of ideas on broad areas of concern.
  2. The committee shall consist of the President of the Faculty Senate, who serves as Chair, the Vice President of the Faculty Senate, the Secretary of the Faculty Senate, and the Immediate Past President of the Faculty Senate or their replacement if unavailable. (See Article III, Section 4.)

Section 7. Faculty Senate-Faculty Advisory Council Committee

  1. The Faculty Advisory Council of the University of Louisiana System consists of one faculty representative and an alternate representative from each System institution. These persons shall be selected by the Faculty Senate of each institution. Each institution shall pay expenses of its faculty representative (or alternate) to such meetings as the Faculty Advisory Council may call.
  2. The Faculty Senate-Faculty Advisory Council Committee shall represent the Senate at the Faculty Advisory Council of the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors and shall report to the Senate on the activities of the Council.
  3. The committee shall consist of two members. One of the members shall be the Senate's official representative to the Council; the other, the alternative representative. The representative shall serve a two-year term in that capacity, at the end of which period the alternate shall become the representative. Thus membership on the committee is for a total term of four years. The alternate representative shall be elected by the Senate at the April meeting of each odd-numbered year from a slate of nominees prepared by the Committee on Committees and take office at the beginning of September.

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Section 1. Senate Interest

The Faculty Senate has a special interest in the University committees listed in this article. The Curriculum Committee, Faculty Grievance Committee, Faculty Benefits and Welfare Committee, Library Committee, Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards, and Student Evaluation of Instruction Committee are slated by the Senate. These committees are discussed in Section 2. The activities of the following additional committees - Campus Planning Committee, General Education Committee, Distance Learning Leadership Council, Diversity Advisory Committee, University Assessment Council, Innovation and Research Advisory Council, Institutional Review Board, and Strategic Program Review Committee – are also of particular interest to the Senate. These committees are discussed in section 3.

Section 2. Committees Slated by the Senate

The Curriculum Committee, Faculty Grievance Committee, Faculty Benefits and Welfare Committee, Library Committee, Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards, and Student Evaluation of Instruction Committee shall meet regularly as required in the performance of their duties. At its first meeting each academic year, each committee shall, in concert with the administration, review its duties and responsibilities and record them with the Secretary of the Faculty Senate, who shall then distribute the statement to the members of the Senate. Each of these committees shall, at the April meeting of the Senate, present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Curriculum Committee

  1. The Curriculum Committee shall coordinate the efforts of the several departments and faculty units in implementing the philosophy and objectives of the University with respect to the curriculum.
  2. The membership shall consist of one faculty member from each faculty unit appointed by the President of the University for staggered three-year terms and three upper class undergraduates (junior or senior classification) with a grade point average of at least 3.2 selected by the Student Government Association. Annually the Committee on Committees shall prepare a slate of nominees for this committee and shall submit it to the Senate for approval. The slate for this committee shall contain twice as many names as there are vacancies on the committee. Following Senate approval, the slate of nominees shall be forwarded to the President of the University, by the end of April. The President of the University shall make the appointments from the slate of nominees provided.
  3. The Curriculum Committee shall normally meet once a month during the academic year and at such other times as required in the performance of its duties.
  4. At the April meeting of the Senate, the committee shall present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Faculty Grievance Committee

  1. The Faculty Grievance Committee has as its primary purpose the provision of a fair investigation of a faculty grievance for the purpose of ascertaining the facts of the complaint and making a recommendation to the President of the University. Also, the committee shall hold a preliminary hearing when charges have been brought by a University Administrator against a faculty member which might result in dismissal or any other major sanction. The committee shall attempt to effect a mutual settlement and, failing that, shall recommend to the Academic Vice President whether or not sufficient reasons exist for a formal hearing.
  2. The membership shall consist of one tenured faculty member from each faculty unit appointed by the President of the University for staggered three-year terms.
  3. Annually the Committee on Committees shall prepare a slate of nominees for this committee and shall submit it to the Senate for approval. The slate for this committee shall contain twice as many names as there are vacancies on the committee. Following Senate approval, the slate of nominees shall be forwarded to the President of the University, by the end of April. The President of the University shall make the appointments from the slate of nominees provided.
  4. In any given academic year if cases have not reached resolution the chairperson shall continue to serve as chairperson with regard to such cases until resolution has been achieved, even if that person has not been reappointed for the coming academic year.
  5. At the April meeting of the Senate, the committee shall present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Faculty Benefits and Welfare Committee

  1. The Faculty Benefits and Welfare Committee shall study and make recommendations with regard to faculty retirement, insurance, other fringe benefits, safety, health, and other matters relating to faculty welfare.
  2. The membership shall consist of one faculty member from each faculty unit appointed by the President of the University for staggered three-year terms. Annually the Committee on Committees shall prepare a slate of nominees for this committee and shall submit it to the Senate for approval. The slate for this committee shall contain twice as many names as there are vacancies on the committee. Following Senate approval, the slate of nominees shall be forwarded to the President of the University, by the end of April. The President of the University shall make the appointments from the slate of nominees provided
  3. At the April meeting of the Senate, the committee shall present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Library Committee

  1. The Library Committee shall serve as an advisory body to the Dean of University Libraries especially in regard to the establishment of policy in all matters affecting the usefulness and overall operation of the library.
  2. The membership shall consist of one faculty member from each faculty unit appointed by the President of the University for staggered three-year terms, two undergraduates selected by the Student Government Association, and one graduate student selected by the Graduate Student Organization. Annually the Committee on Committees shall prepare a slate of nominees for this committee and shall submit it to the Senate for approval. The slate for this committee shall contain twice as many names as there are vacancies on the committee. Following Senate approval, the slate of nominees shall be forwarded to the President of the University, by the end of April. The President of the University shall make the appointments from the slate of nominees provided.
  3. At the April meeting of the Senate, the committee shall present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards

  1. The Committee on Academic Affairs and Standards shall initiate and consider recommendations to the administration concerning the academic standards of the University, study regulations adopted by the various agencies which affect the academic policies of the University and bring them into conformity with such regulations, hear routine appeals for waiver of academic regulations in cases of individual students, and act as a final court of appeal in cases concerning accusations of unfair and capricious grading.
  2. The membership shall consist of:
    1. One faculty member from each faculty unit, appointed by the President of the University for staggered three-year terms;
    2. One student member from each faculty unit, appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs on the recommendation of the Student Government Association;
    3. Three faculty or staff members appointed by the President of the University;
    4. The undergraduate deans and directors, ex officio;
    5. The Registrar, ex officio, and serving as the secretary to the committee;
    6. The Director of Academic Planning and Faculty Development, ex officio; and
    7. The Vice President for Academic Affairs, ex officio.
  3. Annually the Committee on Committees shall prepare a slate of nominees for this committee and shall submit it to the Senate for approval. The slate for this committee shall contain twice as many names as there are vacancies on the committee. Following Senate approval, the slate of nominees shall be forwarded to the President of the University, by the end of April. The President of the University shall make the appointments from the slate of nominees provided.
  4. At the April meeting of the Senate, the committee shall present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Student Evaluation of Instruction Committee

  1. The purpose of the Student Evaluation of Instruction Committee is to provide effective and efficient means for periodic evaluation of instruction by students of the University. Primarily, the committee is concerned with the review and revision, when necessary, of the evaluation form, but can make recommendations for changes in the mechanism of the student evaluation such as who should review the evaluation, when they should be done, etc.
  2. The membership shall consist of one faculty member from each faculty unit appointed by the President of the University for staggered three-year terms and one student selected by the Student Government Association. Annually the Committee on Committees shall prepare a slate of nominees for this committee and shall submit it to the Senate for approval. The slate for this committee shall contain twice as many names as there are vacancies on the committee. Following Senate approval, the slate of nominees shall be forwarded to the President of the University, by the end of April. The President of the University shall make the appointments from the slate of nominees provided.
  3. At the April meeting of the Senate, the committee shall present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Section 3. Committees that Report to Senate

Since the activities of the Campus Planning Committee, General Education Committee, Distance Learning Leadership Council, and Strategic Program Review Committee are of particular interest to the Senate, these committee shall provide periodic reports to the Faculty Senate. These periodic reports shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Faculty Senate and presented in person, by a committee representative, at a regular Senate meeting.

At its first meeting each academic year, each committee shall, in concert with the administration, review its duties and responsibilities and record them with the Secretary of the Faculty Senate, who shall then distribute the statement to the members of the Senate. Each of these committees shall, at the April meeting of the Senate, present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Campus Planning

  1. The purpose of the Campus Planning Committee is to develop a plan for the orderly development of the University campus and all University properties with regard to the physical facilities' needs, vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow and land use. Reports directly to the President.
  2. The membership shall consist of one faculty member from each faculty unit appointed by the President of the University for staggered three-year terms and as Ex Officio, the President of the University or designee, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Administration and Finance, and the Director of Facility Management.
  3. At the April meeting of the Senate, the committee shall present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

General Education Committee

  1. In broad terms, the General Education Committee exists to review, develop, and recommend policy regarding general education to the CAAS, to recommend inclusion or exclusion of courses in the list of acceptable general education courses, and to participate constructively in assessment of the general education goals. Reports directly to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  2. The membership shall consist of one faculty member from each faculty unit appointed by the President of the University for staggered three-year terms and as Ex Officio Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, Assistant Vice President, Institutionally Planning and Effectiveness, and the Director of Academic Planning and Faculty Development.
  3. At the April meeting of the Senate, the committee shall present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Distance Learning Leadership Council

  1. The purpose of the Distance Learning Leadership Council is to advise and provide counsel to the Director of Distance Learning throughout the development and implementation of an action agenda for expanding the institution’s distance learning capacity and production. Reports directly to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  2. The membership shall consist of one faculty member from each faculty unit appointed by the President of the University for staggered three-year terms and as Ex Officio Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs. Chaired by Director of the Office of Distance Learning and members serve on one of four action teams – Planning and Leadership, Infrastructure, Targeted Professional Development, and Program Development, Deployment, and Evaluation.
  3. At the April meeting of the Senate, the committee shall present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Strategic Program Review Committee

  1. The Strategic Program Review Committee, working closely with the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, is charged with designing and implementing the regular internal academic program review process. Reports directly to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  2. The membership shall consist of one faculty member from each faculty unit appointed by the President of the University for staggered three-year terms and as Ex Officio, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs, and the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, Institutionally Planning and Effectiveness.
  3. At the April meeting of the Senate, the committee shall present a comprehensive report of its activities during the previous calendar year.

Diversity Advisory Committee

  1. The Diversity Advisory Committee (DAC) exists to stand for the various constituents, whose interests the Office for Campus Diversity (OCD) serves, by providing guidance, direction, support, and monitoring the effectiveness of the office. Reports directly to the President.

University Assessment Council

  1. The University Assessment Council (UAC) supports the process of research-based, ongoing, integrated, institution-wide systematic planning, evaluation, and continuous improvement across the campus.
  2. Reporting to the Assistant Vice President for Institutional Planning and Effectiveness, its primary function is in an advisory/supportive ability to academic programs, service/support departments, and all other institutional units with respect to the assessment process.
  3. Therefore, the UAC:
    1. Provides assistance and consultation in formulating and implementing assessment plans;
    2. Annually reviews assessment documents submitted and provides feedback for improvement purposes;
    3. Assists in the development, deployment and maintenance of Institutional Effectiveness policies and documents, and;
    4. Provides an annual report to the President, Provost and University Council describing strengths and weaknesses of the University's overall effort in assessment and institutional effectiveness.
  4. Reports directly to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs or appointed Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Innovation and Research Advisory Council

  1. The mission of the Innovation and Research Advisory Council (IRAC) is to engage members of the research community at UL Lafayette and its administration to enhance the University's research enterprise.
  2. The IRAC shall serve as an advisory body to the Vice President of Research on matters on the development of research and innovation at UL Lafayette and advising the University leadership on policies and procedures to achieve the strategic vision of UL Lafayette.
  3. Reports directly to the Vice President for Research, Innovation and Economic Development.

Institutional Review Board

  1. The purpose of this committee is to work in recognition of the institution's responsibility to assure the protection of any human subjects in research.
  2. Prior review of research using human participants is conducted to a) assure informed consent; b) assure confidentiality of data; c) classify risk and assure required safeguards.
  3. The IRB also keeps up with Federal standards for research with human participants to assure awareness of these standards in the academic community.
  4. Reports directly to the Vice President for Research, Innovation and Economic Development.

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Section 1. Regular Meetings

A regular meeting of the Senate shall be held each month of the year from September through April, with the exception of December; meetings shall be held at the hour and place designated by the President of the Faculty Senate. Before the September meeting of each academic year, the President of the Faculty Senate shall prepare a schedule of tentative dates for the regular meetings of that year. This schedule shall be included on the agenda circulated before the September meeting and shall become effective after it is accepted by a majority vote of those voting at the September meeting.

Section 2. Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Senate shall be called by the Senate Secretary (a) at the direction of the President of the Faculty Senate, (b) on the order of the Senate, or (c) on the written request of ten percent of the members of the Senate.

Section 3. Quorum

One-quarter of the active membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the Senate.

Section 4. Order of Business

The order of business to be followed at the meetings of the Senate shall be as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Call for quorum
  3. Approval of Published Minutes
  4. Report of the President of the Faculty Senate
  5. Reports of Senate Committees
    1. Permanent Committees
    2. Ad hoc Committees
  6. Reports of University Committees
  7. Unfinished Business
  8. New Business
  9. Adjournment

Section 5. Parliamentary Authority

The conduct of Senate business shall be according to the procedures outlined in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised unless otherwise provided for in this constitution.

Section 6. Voting

Voting in the following cases shall be by secret written ballot: when requested by at least fifteen members, when requested by the President of the Faculty Senate, when two or more members have been nominated for the same position, when the existence or composition of a Senate committee is involved. Voting in other situations shall be by voice or show of hands. The President of the Faculty Senate, being a member of the Senate, may vote on all measures.

Section 7. Visitors

The President of the Faculty Senate may invite any person to attend a meeting of the Senate. Such guests shall have the privilege of the floor but shall not have the right to vote. Faculty members who are not members of the Senate may attend any meetings but shall not have voice unless invited by the President of the Faculty Senate; they shall not have the right to vote.

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Section 1. Special Actions

Special actions of Faculty Senate include amendments of this Constitution, amendments of the Faculty Handbook, and proposals for University policy change.

Section 2. Amendments of this Constitution

An amendment of or addition to any part of this Constitution must be introduced at one meeting and approved at the next meeting. No more than one of these consecutive meetings may be a special meeting, and the second of these meetings must take place no fewer than twenty (20) days after the first. Final approval must be given by the votes of at least two thirds of those present.

Section 3. Amendments of the Faculty Handbook

A resolution by Faculty Senate to amend the Faculty Handbook of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, or to respond to proposals for amendment originating outside Faculty Senate, must be introduced at one meeting and approved at the next meeting. No more than one of these consecutive meetings may be a special meeting, and the second of these meetings must take place no fewer than twenty (20) days after the first. The Ways and Means Committee of Faculty Senate must issue an initial recommendation concerning any previously introduced amendment of the Handbook, and this recommendation must be communicated to the entire active membership at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which that amendment is first put to a vote.

Section 4. Proposals for University Policy Change

Faculty Senate may authorize the President of Faculty Senate to make proposals to change existing University policies, or to add new ones, to the Provost on matters that affect faculty members as a whole. Though the University’s Policy on Policies provides no formal role for Faculty Senate in the process of policy change, the President of Faculty Senate shall not initiate any such proposal unless it has followed the same procedure of introduction and approval by Faculty Senate as the procedure indicated for amendments to the Faculty Handbook (see Art. VII, Sec. 3).

Revised and Adopted: October 1987 Amended: March 1992 Amended: March and April 1995 Amended: February 1997 Amended: April 1998 Amended: February 1999: Amended: November 1999 Amended: September 2000 Amended: January 2001 Amended: May 2003: September 2011: February/March/April 2013. Amended October 2020. Amended April 2022. Amended November 2022.

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