Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes April 17, 2024
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Faculty Senate
Minutes, Wednesday, April 17, 2024, Zoom Meeting
Presiding: President Philip Auter, Secretary Kelly Robinson
I. Call to Order
4:01 pm
II. Quorum Check
at 4:02 pm
Need 25 Senators; at 32 senators; quorum met
III. Approval of Meeting Agenda
- Moved to approve by Istvan, seconded by Kelly
- Approved 30 senators; nay 0; abstain 0
IV. Executive Report
by Philip Auter
- Decide if we need a May 1, 2024 meeting
Work on the Faculty Handbook
- Updates executed and amendments executed
- Jaime Hebert, Dianne Olivier, and Phil plan to work on the T&P documents over the summer. Jaime Hebert wants to see it separated into a minimalist document with specific guidelines.
- Move on faculty grievance to clarify and codify the arbitration process. Grievance is not a Faculty Senate Committee. Phil Ferguson to help Senate Executive Committee to create that process.
- Market-based equity salary adjustment. Held up with internal and external Baton Rouge paper issues. Ready to form committee. Office of Inclusion will be involved as will the Seante President and Vice-President.
Learning Module System
To Canvas or Not to Canvas
- Dianne Olivier received some pressure to make a decision. But it is flexible.
To Canvas or Not to Canvas
- Formation of the IT Advisory Committee. To start in Fall 2024.
Senate Bill 486
- Prohibits unlawful discrimination and unlawful classification on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, or sex on college campuses. (gov sig)
- https://legiscan.com/LA/text/SB486/2024
- Phil emailed and Leslie Barry sent actual letters to the six senators on that committee. AAUP are involved. LSU Baton Rouge involved. Hope to influence the state senate committee.
Senate Bill
House approved Fryberg bill to allow people in ORP to one-time switch to TRSL.
Approve of the January 2024; February 2024 and March 2024 Faculty Senate minutes- Istvan moved; Phil seconded
- Yes 24; 0 nay; Abstain 2
- All meeting minutes approved for Jan., Feb., Mar. 2024
V. Old Busisness
VI. New Business
Leah Orr and Phil Auter drafted resolution
Resolution drafted in response to faculty request that university communications about the events of last week involving the death of Basil Brown
- Hire more certified (amend to ‘licensed’) mental health professionals
- Improve student welfare check process
Recommendations to mitigate harm
- Timely response to prevent the spread of misinformation
- Utilize the ENS to tell people to stay clear of the area
- These are in-line with requests by student protest last week
Matthew Green
- Additional crises response training beyond active shooter
- Leah Orr: agree but in way that does not add mandatory training burden. Another pathway for faculty beyond additional required training.
Vote to call to question
- 25 yes; 0 no; 3 abstain
- Call to question approved
Vote on resolution amended
- 26 yes; 2 no; 2 abstain
- Motion carries
Resolution opposition to Senate 486
- https://legiscan.com/LA/text/SB486/2024
Leah Orr and Phil Auter drafted the following resolution
- Louisiana Senate interpretation of the Supreme Court decisions wander into the realm of judicial rather than legislative. Language is vague on educational restriction. Result in lawsuits, brain-drain of faculty, high-burden of documentation and reporting.
- Phil said that the Louisiana Senate Committee conversation verbally said in the Senate Committee meeting that there were more amendments to be attached to the bill. Some of the amendments will include:
Matt Green
- Suggested to revise the 4th Whereas in the resolution that the DEI programs are designed for the academic success of the students.
Phil Auter
- Notation that the resolution is about original bill and the amended bill by the committee.
Vote to call to question
- 27 yes; 0 no; 5 abstain
- Call to question carried
Vote on resolution as amended
- 25 yes; 1 no; 3 abstain
- Motion carries
[KR Look into why Andrea Conquw did not see the Zoom polls.]
PA: Conclusion of new business on the agenda.
Febee Louka
- The university taking too long to resolve problems which is causing more problems. Need [admin] to take things into consideration.
- Having issue accessing Moodle on on-campus. Cannot post anything on Moodle.
- PA: ULink problem was widespread but separate issue. The Moodle issue is happening to other faculty. Two-factor authentication is being seemingly required much more frequently than every 90 days.
- Albertaeve: does not help that you cannot email for help if you cannot access your work email.
- Nancy Autin: are students having similar issues? Two emails about announcing SEIs went out on April 9. On April 10, Academic Affairs rolled out email to students and faculty that students had the link to each class.
VII. Announcements
Phil Auter
- Lafayette Mayor-President Blanco Boulais zooming with Seante April 24, Wednesday at 1p. Rap session will be recorded.
VIII. Adjournment
4:56 pm