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Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes November 16, 2022

University of Louisiana at Lafayette Faculty Senate
Draft Minutes, Wednesday, November 16, 2022, Zoom Meeting
Presiding: Philip Auter, Secretary: Clai Rice

I. Call to Order
  • 4:00.
II. Quorum Call
  • 24, need 28. Go on to Executive Report.
III. Agenda Approval
  • Deferred until quorum is reached.
IV. Welcome and Report from Executive Officer (P. Auter)
  • Association of Louisiana Faculty Senates meeting in Alexandria next week. LSU-A Sat 19, 10 am. Lunch provided.
  • Legislative Task Force meeting postponed again.
  • Preferred name policy still on roll-out.
V. Agenda (P. Auter)
  • 34 approve, no opposed or abstain
VI. Minutes Approval (P. Auter, D. Baker)
  • October minutes approved with no abstention (35)
VII. Committee Reports
  • Faculty Senate Committees
    • Standing Committees –
    • Ad Hoc Committees –
      • Ad Hoc Committee on Underrepresented Groups (A. Pitre)
        • Met Oct 2, reviewed charge, examining other R1 institutional policies, also meeting with Thomas and McClung to see what their plans are.
      • Ad Hoc Committee on Tenure and Promotion ( L. Orr)
        • Survey responses reviewed, Committee drafted document and sent to Provost, discussion occurs tomorrow.
      • Handbook (D. Khey)
        • Table of Contents drafted, sent out and getting responses from legal.
  • University Committees
    • Student Evaluation of Instruction Committee (N. Autin).
      • Met Nov 2 with APAA updating and edits are needed for the instrument. SEI opened today, encouraged to share tips to increase completion rates. Spring was 39%, Breaking 30% is very favorable according to research. Research subcommittee overviewing current research before preparing changes.
VIII. Old Business
  • Old Business – (Voting by the Zoom polling feature).
    • Voting on University Committee slate from Senate to provide to Dr. Savoie. (A. Pitre, K. Knierem) 37-0-0.
    • Review, Discussion, Vote on Provost Latest Revisions to Maloy Faculty Handbook Amendment (see appendix 1 below). (J. Maloy, I. Berkeley) approved 34-0-0.
    • Review, Discussion, Vote on Constitutional Amendment re: officer candidate eligibility [text posted to Senate Moodle page]. (J. Maloy, Z. Stein).
    • (I. Berkeley, P. Auter) call the question, 25-3-0 voted to vote.
    • Final vote on officer candidate eligibility motion: 12-15-4. Not Approved.
    • Review, Discussion, Vote on Constitutional Amendment re: 4th EC Officer and Special Election Process. (P. Auter, N. Autin) voted by Moodle poll: 28-0-1 Approved.
IX. New Business
  • Presentation of Executive Committee Senate Constitution Amendment – Elections in Spring (no action).
X. Announcements
  • Voting on senate committee members to occur at January meeting.
  • Query senate re: interest in further exploring personal data privacy and electronic device use policies.
  • Request all interested full professors contact Clai Rice ( cc Phil Auter ( to be added to list of active senators.
  • McClung and New Registrar are the last two rap sessions for the year.
XI. Adjournment
  • 5:38.

Submitted by Clai Rice Jan 17, 2022

Appendix 1

Amendment #03 Draft #05 -- Includes Provost Response to Senate Comments
Proposed Revision to Faculty Handbook re: changing handbook revision procedures.

Submitted by J. Maloy, who proposes to add a new section to the Faculty Handbook. Revised by Jaimie Hebert, June 2022. Revisions accepted by Jason Maloy, August 2022.

To be resubmitted to the senate for revision, tabling, or to be withdrawn.


  1. The University President, as delegate of the University of Louisiana system (Board of Supervisors), or their designee, has final authority over the Faculty Handbook.
  2. The approval of both Faculty Senate and the Provost is required for any amendment to the Faculty Handbook.1, 2
  3. Proposals for amendment may originate with the Provost or with Faculty Senate.
  4. A proposal from the Provost must be communicated to the Faculty Senate, in writing, through the President of Faculty Senate. A proposal from Faculty Senate must be communicated to the Provost, in writing, through the President of Faculty Senate, after having been duly considered and approved by that body under its own rules of procedure.
  5. When the Provost proposes an amendment to Faculty Senate, or proposes a change to an amendment previously offered by Faculty Senate, the approval of Faculty Senate may not be given until the first regularly scheduled meeting after the meeting at which the amendment, or the proposed change thereto, was introduced.
  6. A mutually agreed upon time frame will be adhered to for both the Provost and the Faculty Senate to take action on amendments and amendment revisions made by the opposite party.3, 4 Action will be provided in a written response.
  7. When changes to a Faculty Senate amendment made by the Provost are not accepted by the Senate, and when Faculty Senate changes to a Provost initiated amendment are not accepted by the Provost, and if resolution through informal discussion is not possible, a conference committee must be formed for the purpose of seeking resolution of differences. The conference committee shall be composed of three members of Faculty Senate appointed according to its own rules of procedure, plus up to three people appointed by the Provost or their designee. The conference committee shall issue a final, joint proposal for amending the Faculty Handbook and submit that to both the Provost and the Faculty Senate. The Provost and Faculty Senate must both indicate approval or disapproval of the final proposal within 30 days after the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Faculty Senate.
  8. If the Provost or the Faculty Senate proposes an amendment that is required by a change in federal law, state law, or University of Louisiana system (Board of Supervisors) policy, a full explanation of the source and legality of the amendment must accompany that proposal.
  9. If the University President or their designee approves an amendment to the Faculty Handbook which the Faculty Senate has not formally approved, Faculty Senate may formulate a brief statement of the reasons for its disapproval under its own rules of procedure. If it does so, and communicates such statement of disapproval to the Provost, such statement shall be added to an appendix of the Faculty Handbook.


1Faculty Senate members suggest a modification to align point 1 with the rest of the document in re: administrative approving authority.

2Provost feels that #1 clarifies that president or their designee is the final step in approvals. Whereas #2 and the remainder represent an intermediate step pointing out that the senate and provost must be in alignment with all items that move to the president or their designee for final approval.

3Faculty Senate members suggest remove of this portion of sentence.