Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes September 15, 2021
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Faculty Senate
Approved Minutes, Wednesday, September 15, 2021, Zoom Meeting
Presiding: Philip Auter, Secretary: Clai Rice
I. Call to Order
- 4:02
II. Quorum Call
- 84
III. Agenda Approval
- Motion to approve, no opposed.
IV. Welcome and Report from Executive Officer (FS President PA)
- Contents posted on Moodle page.
V. Approval of Minutes (Parker, Pitre)
- Approved unanimously.
VI. Committee Reports
VII. Reports from Senate Committees
Faculty Senate Committees
Committee on Committees – JoAnne DeRouen
- Note regarding replacements for Grievance Comm for COLA only.
Governmental Concerns – Robert Slater
- Speaker series will continue. Send suggestions.
FS Executives -
- Mentioned in Executive report.
Faculty Advisory Council Committee
- No report.
Ad-Hoc Committees
- Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Salary and Compensation – Donna Gauthier
University Committees
Student Evaluation of Instruction – Nancy Autin
- Committee not established yet.
- SEI results going to Deans this week.
- Upcoming survey form will be the same as SP and SU ’21.
Diversity Advisory Council - T. Mallory
- Two initiatives in focus.
Distance Learning Leadership Council – F Crocco
- Transition to new Moodle went well. Hope to have all non-academic courses moved by end of semester.
- All faculty should have gotten an invite from Learning Spaces.
- Faculty Learning Communities – facilitators needed. $1200 stipend, $300 honorarium.
- Will look into putting up a suggestion box for Moodle.
VIII. Old Business – (Voting by the Zoom polling feature)
- Vote on proposed AY 21-22 meeting dates. (See Appendix 1 for schedule).
- Added December 8 if needed.
- Motion (Ratliff, Robinson) passes unanimously.
IX. New Business
Request volunteer for new Strategic Planning Interdivisional Task Force (for Provost’s office).
- Clancy Ratliff (ENGL 43), Michael Totaro (CIS 13), Dave Reid (BMAN 35) /64.
- Ratliff is elected, Reid will be the alternate.
- Maybe AAUP rep could come talk during a rap session (GH).
Should we continue to keep Ad Hoc Pay committee.
- Keep information flowing.
- We don’t really know yet how raise was handled.
- Equity issues still not clear.
- We will take this question up next meeting.
X. Announcements
- Request all interested full professors contact Phil at philip.auter@louisiana.edu or Clai at crice@louisiana.edu to be added to list of senators.
- Note that COLA Grievance Committee slate survey will be extended to Sunday.
- Dr. Hebert Rap Session – September 22, 3:00 PM Zoom (same address and passcode as meetings).
- IRB moving to a new system called IRB Manager.
XI. Adjournment
- 5:30 Baker, Pitre
Submitted by Clai Rice
Appendix I
2021-2022 Meeting Dates
Fall 2021
- September - 09/15/21
- October - 10/20/21
- November - 11/17/21
December - 12/08/21
- Only if needed.
Spring 2022
- January - 01/19/22
- February - 02/16/22
- March - 03/16/22
April - 04/27/22
- 04/20/22 is during the Easter/Spring Break.
May - 05/11/22
- Only if needed.