Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes May 13, 2020
University of Louisiana at Lafayette Faculty Senate
Minutes, Wednesday, May 13, Zoom Meeting
Presiding: Donna Gauthier (DG); Secretary: Clai Rice
1. Call to Order: 3:32
2. Quorum Call: started with 22, max at 39
3. Approval of Minutes from February 19, 2020: accepted with one prior change (spelling)
4. Welcome and Report of Executive Officer
1. (DG will send her report)
2. What will fall opening look like?
1. Priority is student faculty staff safety and health
3. Summer plans: DG will be making data requests
1. If you want some data, send DG the request—the more specific the better
4. Web site – it needs to be up by fall
5. Requesting volunteers to work on faculty handbook over summer.
6. DG will be working with Lindsay on policies, duplications
7. SEI proposal—DG response
5. Committee Reports
1. Faculty Senate Committees
1. Committee on Committees – Jo A DeRouen
1. Need runoffs on some committees, they are posted on Moodle
2. Should there be an issue if one person who votes for himself is the only vote?
3. Members of C on C cannot be on other committees
4. Check links of FS page for the University committees
2. Ways and Means – C. Berry
1. Had sent committee listing correction of Fac Handbook up.
2. 2018 approved policies regarding dept heads. He appears to be following up.
3. C. Rice and C. Parker need to review committees list
4. Berry says there is a log on the handbook updates
3. Academic Planning and Development Committee – no members
4. Governmental Concerns Committee – Robert Slater—not present
5. Executive Committee – Donna Gauthier
1. Disappointed in faculty turnout for library head interviews
2. Maybe recordings can be made available by Toby Daspit.
6. Faculty Advisory Council Committee – Donna Gauthier
1. UL System and BOR meetings
7. Ad Hoc Committees
1. Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Salary and Compensation – Donna Gauthier
1. Has not met since last meeting
2. University Committees
1. Curriculum Committee – Amanda Payne
2. Faculty Grievance Committee – Natalia Sidorovskaia
1. Sent an email report (ask DG)
3. Faculty Benefits and Welfare Committee – Donna Gauthier
1. Has not met since last report
4. Library Committee – Febee Louka
5. Student Evaluation of Instruction – Nancy Autin
1. Sent report
2. C. Parker says the committee working on the faculty survey is just finishing its work. Hope for next week (how is this SEI?)
6. Campus Planning – Thomas Sammons
1. Arts: no working in studios this summer
7. General Education – Pearson Cross
8. Distance Learning Leadership Council – Claire Arabie
1. F. Crocci: Moodle review
1. Recommending staying with Moodle, hosting externally, saving money and improving features and delivery. Still aiming for new system by fall 2121.
2. FERPA regulations? Addressed
3. MS Teams-Moodle conflicts? Looking into integrating Teams into Moodle—has been done before.
6. Old Business
1. Only item: see 4.7 above.
7. New Business
1. Uni. Research insists they have righted the wrong regarding university data. We will put them to the test this summer. Send me requests.
8. Announcements
1. F. Crocci: DL will release new self-paced course for teaching remotely. Basic course building workshop opening May 15. Counts towards certification.
2. Discussion about Moodle system-wide settings
3. Discussion about viable proctoring practices
4. Please follow up about Library Dean interviews—there may be in-person interviews as well.
5. Thanks to DL for all their support this semester.
6. Please let Matt Green know suggestions about returning in Fall.
9. Adjournment 5:00 p.m. (Berkeley and Abington)