Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes September 16, 2015
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes September 16, 2015
Senate Meeting called to order at 4:02 PM
Approval of Minutes: It was moved and seconded that the minutes of the May 13, 2015 meeting be approved. The motion passed.
Executive Officer report:
Lewis Deaton reported that he has been attending University Council meetings. One of the topics that has received considerable attention is the new electronic records system, Banner. The transition to Banner will be challenging but in the long run it should be a better system than what we’ve had in the past. Another topic discussed at University council is a University policy on prohibited sexual conduct which will be announced.
Dr. Deaton also stated that the merit raise that faculty will receive this year will be based on last year’s merit evaluation. Discussion of this followed, with a question being raised about why one year instead of three years evaluation was being used. Dr. Dorwick reported that he had discussed this with Robert McKinney. We are in a transition period and it will take a number of years of raises to rectify problems with current salaries. Dr. Deaton noted that due to room scheduling conflicts no rap session was held prior to this senate meeting, but Dr. Henderson will be available to meet with the faculty senate in future rap sessions.
Lastly, Dr. Deaton mentioned the possibility of revising the make-up of the senate executive committee to include more representation than just the executive officer, immediate past executive officer, secretary, and web master.
Reports of Senate Committees:
Committee on Committees: Dr. Mary Neiheisel presented a motion from the committee with names of faculty to forward to Dr. Henderson for selecting members for the QSN committee for Dean of University College. Those recommended are: College of Arts: Quincy Hilliard and Brian Kelly, College of Business: David Baker and John Farrish, College of Liberal Arts: Shalini Arihole and James McDonald, College of Sciences: Febee Louka and Mehmet Engin Tozal. The committee motion was voted on and approved. This list of names will be forwarded to the Provost.
Ways and Means: Senator Kiesel presented a report from the Ways and Means committee. The committee submitted wording for an amendment to the constitution which would establish a faculty senate budget committee. The question of whether there should be a senate budget committee apart from a broader University budget committee which may be established as part of the new strategic plan was then discussed. Dr. Deaton will discuss this with the provost.
Academic Planning and Development: no report
Governmental Concerns: no report
Faculty Advisory Council Representative: no report
Ad Hoc Committee on Underrepresented Faculty Groups: no report
Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of women: no report
Reports from University committees:
Curriculum: no report
Faculty Grievance: no report
Faculty Benefits and Welfare: no report
Library: no report
Academic Affairs and Standards: no report
Parking and Planning: no report
Student Evaluation of Instruction: Nancy Autin reported that some members of the committee resigned or retired. The committee on committees will investigate and nominate new members.
Distance Learning Leadership Council: no report
Strategic Program Review: no report
Unfinished Business: no unfinished business
New Business:
Dr. Deaton listed the following dates as proposed senate meeting dates for the rest of the academic year: Oct. 21, Nov. 18, Jan. 20, Feb. 17, March 16, and April 20. A motion was made and seconded to accept these dates. The motion passed. Dr. McDonald pointed out that votes to amend the constitution and handbook must occur at a regularly scheduled meeting.
A new policy on extending the probationary employment period in cases of significant family-care circumstances was presented. This policy deals with tenure review and is separate from the family leave policy. Discussion followed. A copy of the policy will be posted on Moodle. The policy will be voted on as a faculty handbook change.
David Dubose who served as senate web-master resigned from the web-master position at the end of the previous academic year. Dr. Deaton nominated Dr. Scott Duke-Sylvester to serve as the new web-master. A vote to approve Dr. Duke-Sylvester as the new webmaster was held and the vote in favor of his appointment was unanimous.
Dr. McDonald proposed that the senate revise the number of senators elected to give equitable representation for assistant professors and instructors vs. associate professors.
G. H. Massiha stated that other Universities allow 2 times for going up for tenure and suggested consideration of that policy. In response other senators mentioned the current availability of an appeals process for those denied tenure.
Meeting adjourned at 5:10 pm.
Kathleen Knierim