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Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes December 2, 2015

Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes December 2, 2015

Senate Meeting called to order at 4:09 PM

Approval of Minutes:  Mark Smith made a motion that the minutes of the October 21, 2015 meeting be approved.  The motion was seconded and passed.  Nancy Autin made a motion that the minutes of the November 18, 2015 meeting be approved.  The motion was seconded and passed. 

Executive Officer report: 

Lewis Deaton reported that the University Council approved the prohibited sexual conduct policy.  The University is currently interviewing for a Title 9 compliance officer. 

Dr. Deaton also reported that the task force on faculty pay issues arising from the changes in pay dates will recommend that the official start date for the academic year be moved to August 1.  He discussed the rationale for this change which would keep paycheck dates the same as in the past.  A discussion with senators followed, with questions being raised about possible issues with receiving 3 months of pay from a grant and also whether or not faculty would be required to be present on campus starting August 1.

Reports of Senate Committees:

Committee on Committees:   no report
Ways and Means:  no report
Academic Planning and Development:  no report
Governmental Concerns:  no report
Faculty Advisory Council Representative:  no report

Ad Hoc Committee on Underrepresented Faculty Groups:  no report
Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of women:  no report

Reports from University committees:

Curriculum:  no report
Faculty Grievance:  Senator Underwood reported that there is one grievance in process and the committee will be sending a recommendation to the president regarding this grievance
Faculty Benefits and Welfare:  no report
Library:  no report
Academic Affairs and Standards:  no report
Parking and Planning:  no report
Student Evaluation of Instruction:  Nancy Autin reported that the committee met last month.  The SEI this semester will close on Sunday, a little short of a 3 week period.  The committee has set goals and is looking at all information available publically.  They are looking at ways to increase the response rate.  They recommend that demographic information questions be moved to the end of the survey.  Senator Autin stated that she will convey any questions from the faculty senate to the committee.  Her email address is:
Distance Learning Leadership Council:  no report
Strategic Program Review:  no report

Unfinished Business: 

Faculty Handbook change to Section V:  The Ways and Means committee has looked at Robert McKinney’s proposed changes to section V of the faculty handbook and recommended acceptance of the changes.  Senator Wooddell made a motion to approve the changes.  The motion was seconded and approved.

Senate Budget Committee:  Senator Wooddell read a motion, which is also posted on Moodle, for a constitutional change regarding a Faculty Senate Budget Committee.  The motion would modify Article 4 section 1 of the senate constitution to include a budget committee as a senate committee.

G.H.  Massiha’s motion regarding pay raises:  The motion was discussed and questions were raised about problems with the motion taking away merit rewards.  Senator Wooddell moved and Senator Autin seconded to table the motion regarding pay raises. The motion to table Senator Massiha’s motion regarding pay raises passed.

New Business:

Dr. Deaton announced that an attempt was made at LSU to form a faculty group, LSU United.  The initial attempt failed because it would have required $500 dues.  The planning group is now trying to form a state-wide faculty group with much smaller dues.  Dr. Deaton is involved in meeting with this group and will keep the faculty senate updated.


Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Kathleen Knierim