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Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes April 16, 2014

Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes April 16, 2014

Rap Session 3:30 PM

President Savoie reviewed bills that are before the state legislature.

Senate Meeting called to order at 4:00 PM

Executive Officer report: 

Prof. McDonald reported that the Provost proposed a task force to work with Robert McKinney over the summer to identify parts of the faculty handbook that have policies appropriate for faculty input and to propose specific procedures for making changes to the faculty handbook.  Also, Dr. Henderson has requested to meet regularly with the faculty senate executive committee.  In the past the executive committee has not been charged with this responsibility.  Dr. McDonald suggested thinking about how to respond to this request, for example possibly increasing the size of the executive committee to have broader representation.  He also suggested that the senate consider one or more resolutions regarding current legislative bills.

Another issue mentioned in the executive officer’s report is the recurring problem that the committee on committees in some cases cannot provide two candidates for University committees.  Finally, it was reported that a no smoking policy has been mandated by state law.  A committee is developing a campus policy.

Introduction of UL System officials:

Dr. Karla Hughes, executive vice president and provost of the UL system introduced herself and spoke on the role of the UL system.  She summarized her background and stated that she is new in the state this year.  Following Dr. Hughes’ introduction, Lisa Shemwell, associate vice president for academic affairs for the UL system, introduced herself.

Reports of Senate Committees:

Committee on Committees:   Mary Neiheisel presented a slate of candidates to fill vacancies on University committees.  The committee on committees was unable to get candidates from Arts of some of the committees.  The committee motion to approve the slate proposed to fill vacancies on University Committees passed.  Dr. Neiheisel presented a second motion that permission be granted to the chair and members of the committee on committees to add names to the report of candidates by April 30, 2014 before sending the report to Ellen Cook.  The motion was seconded and passed.
Ways and Means:  no report
Academic Planning and Development:  written report submitted
Governmental Concerns:  written report submitted and information posted on the senate website.  Dr. Slater summarized the information posted.
Faculty Advisory Council Representative:  the FAC has not met since the last senate meeting.  The next meeting of FAC will be next week.

Ad Hoc Committee on Proposed Merit Raise Procedure:  George Wooddell and G.H. Massiha reported on the committee meeting with Deans and the discussion of issues of concern.  They reported that Dr. Clark had suggested that the committee act on behalf of the senate in making decisions during their meeting with the deans, but that the Ad Hoc committee has no authority to make such decisions in place of the full senate.
Ad Hoc Committee on Status of Underrepresented Faculty Groups:  The committee submitted a motion to approve the action plan presented.  A motion was made by Leslie Bary representing the Status of Women Committee to table the action plan.  A friendly amendment to that motion was made to remove appendix C and advance other appendices.  The motion to table was then withdrawn.  The senate then voted on approving the action plan minus Appendix C.  The motion passed.
Ad Hoc Committee on Status of Women:  no report

Reports of University Committees:

Curriculum:  Kay Riedel reported that the committee has 52 courses pending.  Changes for the catalog are due before Sept. 30
Faculty Grievance:  no report
Faculty Benefits and Welfare:  no report
Library:  Dr. Turner reported that the committee met and reviewed 5 papers submitted for the Caffrey prize
Academic Affairs and Standards:  no report
Parking and Planning:  no report
Student Evaluation of Instruction:  no report
Distance Learning Leadership Council:  Luke Dowden prepared a report but had to leave before presenting the report
Strategic Program Review:  no report

Unfinished Business: 

Chad Parker moved and Keith Dorwick seconded that a task force be formed to work with Robert McKinney over the summer to propose specific procedures for changing the faculty handbook.  The motion passed.

New Business: 

Senator Wooddell made a motion and Keith Dorwick seconded that the UL faculty senate support other faculty senates (using wording of resolutions passed in other senates) in opposing bill HB244 which would allow the selling of guns in fund raisers on campus.  The motion passed.

Senator Wooddell made a motion and Keith Dorwick seconded that the UL faculty senate express support for HB142.  The motion passed.

Senator Wooddell introduced and Leslie Bary seconded a motion that the appropriate faculty senate committee come up with language for the senate constitution which would limit the voting membership of the faculty senate to those with administrative rank of department head or equivalent and below and those with no administrative responsibilities.  The issue was referred to the Ways and Means committee to check on the wording for the motion.

Senator Wooddell made a motion and Keith Dorwick seconded authorizing the executive committee to represent the senate in meeting with the Provost on a temporary basis until the September senate meeting when the issue of senate representation in shared governance can be considered in more detail.  The motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm.

Kathleen Knierim