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Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes March 21, 2018

Faculty Senate Meeting minutes
March 21, 2018
Oliver Hall Room 112

Chad Parker (Parker) was unable to make meeting and Senate Secretary, Sheri Lazare (SL), ran the meeting in his place.

Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm.

SL informed the Senate of Parker’s absence.

Motion to approve minutes by Ish and seconded by Andrea Leonard (AL), will approval to pass.

SL informed Senate, as of the start of the meeting, no information was received from Pearson Cross about Gen Ed course changes. Table until information received.

SL turned discussion to the vote on the changes presented by Ways & Means Committee for edits to the handbook. Greg Davis (Davis) stated the only area that may still need revision is information on Internal Searches because what is provided is extremely vague. Changes passed with an unanimous vote.

SL stated if we want to add language about term limits, there must be a different discussion than one we just had over changes. Senate agrees to wanting term limit language and will discuss after committee reports.

Government Concerns committee reports legislature is in second week of session and several bills up for changes and amendments concerning TOPS.

Senate began discussing department head selection and term limits or appointments. The Ways & Means Committee is charges with reviewing and providing current handbook information and writing up language including terms/appointments.

Ways & Means will get information from Nursing on how they conduct their internal evaluation of department head.

Ish stated if the university won’t ever provide platform or ability to evaluate, then it should become a task of the Senate.

Jim McDonald stated there are a few cases in which departments and deans are not following current policy; and, in what is currently provided, some language is really ambiguous.

Several agreed the language is vague and should be included with the task at hand for Ways & Means.

SL stated she will ask Chad to look into who enforced policy and suggests it’s McKinney’s office.

Laurel Ryan asked 3 specific points be addressed - which Greg Davis took down, as well as several other common ideas discussed.

Davis stated he would compile all points discussed, determine what the current language is, and offer options for discussion. All remaining Senate members agreed.

Baker provided the current information is under Article 9 in the handbook.

Meeting adjourned at 4:52 pm.