Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes November 16, 2016
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes November 16, 2016
Senate Meeting called to order at 4:01 PM
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the October 19, 2016 meeting of the faculty senate. The motion passed.
Executive Officer report:
Lewis Deaton reported that he met with Interim Provost Danahar regarding the evaluation of teaching. Dr. Danahar thinks that the evaluation should include peer evaluation but recommends leaving the specific method up to departments or colleges. Dr. Deaton thinks that there should be a more universal teaching evaluation system.
Dr. Deaton also reported that the university is waiting to hear what the amount of mid-year budget cut will be. The university does not know yet how much the enrollment will change as a result of the cut in TOPs funding for students.
A short discussion followed, including mention of responses to TOPs cuts by other universities in the state. Regarding peer evaluation of teaching, it was brought up that some departments on campus already have established procedures for peer evaluation of teaching. Senator Gautier noted that Nursing has been doing peer review of teaching for years. Senator Smith noted that Management has a rubric that involves peer evaluation of teaching.
Reports of Senate Committees:
Committee on Committees: no report
Ways and Means: see discussion of proposed Faculty Handbook changes regarding an Emeritus Policy following other committee reports
Academic Planning and Development: no report
Governmental Concerns: no report
Faculty Advisory Council Representative: no report
Ad Hoc Committee on Underrepresented Faculty Groups: no report
Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of women: no report
Reports from University committees:
Curriculum: no report
Faculty Grievance: no report
Faculty Benefits and Welfare: no report
Library: no report
Academic Affairs and Standards: no report
Parking and Planning: no report
Student Evaluation of Instruction: written report submitted. Dr. Autin spoke to highlight a few points in the report. This semester the SEI will close the night of Sunday Dec. 4. Senator Tauzin commented that the survey could be written in a way to encourage positive feedback: e.g. ask what is working well in a class, not just what isn’t working. Dr. Autin will convey suggestions from the faculty senate to the SEI committee.
Distance Learning Leadership Council: no report
Strategic Program Review: no report
Ways and Means Committee: proposed changes to the Emeritus Policy which Robert McKinney had submitted to the faculty senate. After the above committee reports, the senate discussed the changes suggested by the Ways and Means Committee to the proposed Emeritus Policy. Senator Istvan Berkeley questioned why administrators are included in the policy. Another senator commented that whether or not administrators were included was not a concern. Senator Cheylon Woods commented that each department should determine both who from the department can be emeritus and what benefits, such as office space, will be provided. Senator Massiha stated that in Science and in Engineering emeritus status is used for faculty to wrap up research, and to allow the person to continue supervising graduate students who have not completed their degree. Senator Lynch suggested changing the phrase “as needed” in the policy wording under Benefits to “as available”. This was followed by a suggestion to substitute the phrase with parenthesis “(as needed and available)” for “as needed”. Library senators pointed out that the Library has limited office space and some Emeritus faculty from other departments are assigned office space in the Library while some Library faculty must share offices due to the limited space available. Next in the discussion a question was raised about what policies are in place for all retired faculty. The proposed Faculty Handbook changes will be sent back to the Ways and Means Committee to recommend additional revisions that address senate concerns.
New Business:
Senator Lynch commented that University committees are not posted on the university website. She found out that she is chair of the Grade Appeal Committee, but can’t find out who is on the committee. Dr. Deaton will bring this issue up with Robert McKinney.
G.H. Massiha reminded senators of the department chair issues discussed at the last senate meeting. Dr. Deaton will get an update regarding the work of the Department Head Compensation Task Force.
Chad Parker reported that as of one week ago a faculty senate representative had not been appointed to the provost search committee. Dr. Deaton will enquire about the appointment status.
Meeting adjourned at 4:44 pm.
Kathleen Knierim