Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes March 16, 2016
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes March 16, 2016
Senate Meeting called to order at 4:08 PM
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2016 meeting of the faculty senate. The motion passed.
Executive Officer report:
Lewis Deaton reported that Fabrice Leroy is the person who is currently making decisions on promotion and tenure in the absence of a provost.
Dr. Deaton reported that in University Council discussions about the state budget, the worst case scenario for UL Lafayette is thought to be an approximately 5 million dollar budget cut, but the administration is anticipating a smaller cut. It was reported that Southern University is cancelling their summer school and will end the school year 2 weeks early in order to furlough faculty and staff to save money.
Dr. Deaton also reported that the administration has been talking about establishing a new V.P. of global education position. The V.P. of global education would oversee programs involving services for foreign students, study abroad programs, and related areas.
Dr. Deaton reported that students who have problems registering on Banner should be referred to the appropriate dean or to the Registrar. He announced that 4,100 freshman students have been admitted for Fall 2016 and UL is waiting to receive high school grades for approximately 1,800 additional students. A question was raised about changes to the TOPS program. Dr. Deaton replied that there may be an increase in the ACT requirements, but it is not known at present what changes will be made to TOPS.
Reports of Senate Committees:
Committee on Committees: Dr. Mary Neiheisel submitted a motion from the Committee on Committees nominating Dr. David Baker to serve as the alternate Faculty Senate - Faculty Advisory Council representative since that position is currently vacant. The motion passed. Dr. Neiheisel also distributed a ballot to elect initial members of the senate Budget Committee. Members elected at this meeting will serve until October when the budget committee will be included in the regular senate committee elections. The following committee members were elected: College of Business Administration: David Baker representative, Mark Smith alternate. College of Liberal Arts: George Wooddell representative, Phil Auter alternate. Library: Allison Gallaspy representative, Jean Kiesel alternate. College of Nursing: Anita Hazelwood representative, Janis Guilbeau, alternate. College of Sciences: Salah Massoud representative, Wu Xu, alternate. No nominations were received and therefore no representatives were elected from the College of Arts, College of Education, and College of Engineering.
Ways and Means: no report
Academic Planning and Development: no report
Governmental Concerns: Robert Slater reported that the issue of TOPS funding cannot be resolved until after the regular legislative session. The governor has said that he will make TOPS a priority and that his plan will avoid cuts to higher education. Dr. Slater also reported that 2 bills have been put forward to abolish the Board of Regents and consolidate into one higher education board.
Faculty Advisory Council Representative: no report
Ad Hoc Committee on Underrepresented Faculty Groups: no report
Ad Hoc Committee on the Status of women: no report
Reports from University committees:
Curriculum: no report
Faculty Grievance: no report
Faculty Benefits and Welfare: no report
Library: no report
Academic Affairs and Standards: no report
Parking and Planning: no report
Student Evaluation of Instruction: Senator Autin submitted a written report. The spring 2016 SEIs will open to students on Wednesday, April 20 and close on Sunday, May 1 at 11:59 pm. Dr. Autin, SEI committee chair, will be meeting with SEI committee members from Academic Affairs to review the results of the 5 question survey that was sent out with the Fall 2015 SEIs. The survey link was attached in the email from Ellen Cook when FA15 SEIs were emailed to faculty. Results will be reported at the next Faculty Senate meeting.
Distance Learning Leadership Council: no report
Strategic Program Review: no report
Unfinished Business:
Senator Wooddell reported on policy forms. The pay policy form has been completed. He noted that the pay policy contains added language voted for by the faculty senate stating that Human Resources will report annually about the calculation of market adjustments. Senator Wooddell made a motion, seconded by Senator McDonald, that the pay policy form be sent on to administrators. The motion passed.
New Business:
Senator McDonald suggested that the faculty senate should develop a proposal for establishing term limits for department heads. Scott Sittig stated that the “Department Head Compensation Task Force” chaired by Robert McKinney and composed of 3 faculty members and several department heads is already in place and has been considering many factors related to the functioning of department heads. He expressed concern that the progress this task force is making could be disrupted by the introduction of separate proposals from the faculty senate while the task force is in the middle of their work. Senator McDonald suggested having a rap session with Robert McKinney to discuss whether a senate proposal regarding term limits for department heads would disrupt the work of the Department Head Compensation Task Force. Cheryl Lynch reported that the council of department heads has been involved in providing input for the task force. There was then a discussion about whether or not the faculty senate should have a separate committee to propose policies regarding department heads. Dr. Deaton will ask Robert McKinney to come to a rap session to talk about the work of the task force.
No further new business was introduced.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.
Kathleen Knierim