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Motions Passed 2020-2021


September 16

  1. Discussion regarding adjuncts serving 1- or 2- year terms. Motion to approve everything except Section 2, Number 4. Second made. Approved.

October 21

  1. Motion to Amend FS Constitution
    1. Change Article II, Section 2, subsection 4 regarding instructors, from “One instructor shall be elected from each faculty unit of the University. Such members shall be elected for one-year terms and shall take office at the first meeting following election.” to “Instructors shall be elected in the proportion of one member per four Instructors or fraction thereof in each faculty unit of the University. Such members shall be elected for two-year terms and shall take office at the first meeting following election.”
    2. (C. Parker, K. Robinson) approved.
  2. Motion to Revise the Faculty Senate Rules of Order
    1. The current wording is that all motions shall be made on the motion form provided.
    2. The new proposed revision is that all motions shall be submitted in writing with movers’ and seconds’ names.
    3. After discussion, no vote was taken.
  3. C. Parker moves that the current statement be done away with and a new statement be written by a committee that has more faculty, including Senate representatives. Motion approved.

November 18

  1. Motion to approve Minutes from October 21 (I. Berkeley), A. Abington-Pitre seconded, approved.
  2. Motion: “Faculty Senate vehemently opposes any employee be disciplined under the current Disciplinary Policy, until it is entirely reworked and unlinked from all university training modules."
    1. Berkeley, Roy second. Passes, 4 abstentions.


February 24

  1. Motion Regarding the Ad Hoc Committee on Underrepresented Faculty Groups
    1. Submitted by Clai Rice, seconded by Matthew Green
      1. “Whereas the University has taken steps to address issues raised by the Faculty Senate’s Ad Hoc Committee on Underrepresented Faculty Groups (CUFG) 2014 report, and Whereas the University has established an Office of Diversity that coordinates and implements policies and procedures regarding the development, recruitment, hiring, retention, and support specifically of faculty from underrepresented groups; The Senate moves that the CUFG, after meeting with representatives from the Office of Diversity and gathering other information as might be needed, such as faculty surveys, prepare a review of the University’s response to the 2014 report that evaluates the effectiveness of the ongoing efforts regarding faculty from underrepresented groups, highlighting especially any additional actions or areas of concern that should be addressed, to be submitted to the Faculty Senate in the Fall of 2021.”
    2. Passes with 2 abstentions
  2. Brooke Breaux: Jimmy Kimble is current Ways chair but he does not meet requirements (must have served a year in Faculty Senate). Breaux proposes a motion, Zack Stein second.
    1. “We waive the one year member requirement for the Chair of the Ways and Means Committee for Jimmy Kimball for the next year.”
    2. Passes by a lot.